Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Grim Tuesday--Garth Nix

I finished the second book in The Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix last night. It took a little while for me to get into it. It wasn't as initially gripping as the first one was, but once the story picked up, I liked it.

Arthur thinks he can just go home and rest when he's done with Mister Monday, but once Tuesday hits he's faced with a whole new challenge! Grim Tuesday is the wielder of the Second Key and a cruel slave-driver. He's opened a pit to Nothing so that he can copy great works of art and sell them to the other Days. He's a cruel master and things are not going well. He tries to trick Arthur into handing over the First Key and Mastery of the Lower House by claiming that Monday owes him for all of the "stuff" he's given him over the centuries and that Arthur must repay Monday's debt. Arthur doesn't fall for it and is sent to the Pit. He must escape the Pit, find the second part of the Will, claim the Second Key, battle Grim Tuesday and control the leaking Nothing before he can even think about going home.

I can't wait to start Drowned Wednesday and I think Thursday comes out in March. This is a really unique series and there's so much in it on so many different levels. I highly recommend...

Reading: Dunno yet
On My Nightstand: Girls Dinner Club--Jessie Elliot, others are coming

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